Understanding Threats and Risk Mitigation


Knowing and Understanding Potential Threats is the First Step In Protecting Yourself, Others and Assets. 

The importance of having efficient security protocols and protective measures set in place is paramount when dealing with the public or high-profile venues. It goes without saying that security is important, but what exactly does “important” truly mean? What type of emphasis should be put on proper safety measures? First off, if you are reading this, then the chances are that you are on the right path.

Having the appropriate amount of security personnel during public events has never been more important. Knowing the risks is your first line of defense. To understand the risks, you have to take a detailed investigational approach. The investigational process is a big portion of the first phase of protection, which is to understand all potential threats.

How can you understand all the various threats? It is not as simplistic as one might think. To fully understand how much security or type of security needed, you will need a threat analysis. Basically, a threat analysis or assessment is a detailed breakdown of a potential threat(s); this can be an active hostile or situational. A threat analysis (assessment) should be performed by an experienced security analyst that completely understands risk, preemptive security strategy, and proper defense response.

Risk Factors

Depending on a specific risk, there are up to five strategies available to security decision-makers to mitigate risk:

  • Avoidance
  • Reduction
  • Spreading
  • Transfer
  • Acceptance

The reduction of risk should be the end goal of most security systems put in place. Risk mitigation can only be accomplished by properly decreasing the threat level. The level can be decreased by eliminating the threat before it happens–but this can only happen if you can see the attack/threat beforehand. An enhanced security program and understanding security risk procedures are one way to combat threats before they happen.

It goes without saying, the best strategy of reducing risk is a combination of three elements:

  • Decreasing threats
  • Blocking opportunities
  • Reducing consequences

All of which is possible, once the localized threats are understood. A proper mitigation strategy utilizes existing security resources and prioritizes policies first, systems second and personnel third.

Over the next month, I will be putting out weekly articles on ways to reduce risk within the workplace

It’s important to note, despite the focus of this article is on public and high-profile venues, much of the information can be applied to almost any security situation. If you have assets to protect, whether they be a physical property, proprietary technology or employees, the information can be utilized to accommodate your end security goals.

For more information on risk mitigation and or threat analysis, please contact me with the information below

Michael Flores

Marketing and Technology Director | Imperial Protective Service, LLC

+1 (623) 295.9328 mobile

+1 (323) 546.4773 office

+1 (602) 428.6894 fax
